Megan Miller

Bridging the Gap: How workplace investigators can collaborate with employers to conduct more prompt, thorough, and impartial investigations.

Co-Authored by Megan Amanda Miller, Esq., Law Offices of Megan Amanda Miller and Christina Dixon, Esq., Aecus Law. As external investigators, we often have our own ideas about what constitutes a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation.  At the same time, we are conducting investigations on behalf of employers with their own practices, methods, and expectations […]

Bridging the Gap: How workplace investigators can collaborate with employers to conduct more prompt, thorough, and impartial investigations. Read More »

Investigations as Prevention: How Prompt, Thorough, and Impartial Investigations Can Correct and Prevent Unlawful Workplace Harassment

Despite a longstanding prohibition on workplace harassment, the number of harassment charges the EEOC receives remains relatively high, comprising approximately one third of all EEOC charges.  [FN 1]  In light of this phenomenon, the EEOC formed a “Select Task Force” (Task Force) in January 2015 to explore and critique the effectiveness of current employer harassment

Investigations as Prevention: How Prompt, Thorough, and Impartial Investigations Can Correct and Prevent Unlawful Workplace Harassment Read More »